Hybrid Teaching: What You Need To Know

Imagine the following scenario: students arrive at class, and the teacher gives a mini-lecture, explaining the video the students saw the day before. Clear the doubts, and the class starts working on the task posted in a virtual environment.

The teacher notices that two students have already started the work and solve the problem together. Another student raises his hand to ask a question about a concept. A student at the back of the room would like the teacher to look at his work because he doesn’t know if he did the task best. The teacher moves around the room, answering questions to ensure that all students understand the lesson. This is all part of hybrid teaching.

What Is Hybrid Teaching?

Hybrid teaching, or blended learning, is a pedagogical strategy that mixes face-to-face (offline) and digital (online) learning moments like the online toefl tutoring (ติว toefl ออนไลน์ which is the term in Thai). This 21st-century trend aims to insert technology, so present in the daily lives of children and young people, into education, promoting more efficient, exciting, and personalized teaching.

How Did It Come About?

According to specialist Lilian Bacich, Ph.D. in school psychology and human development and a consultant at the Instituto Peninsula, hybrid education is a concept that emerged in the United States and was developed by the Clayton Christensen Institute.

The United States pioneered online teaching, mixed with face-to-face meetings, as the “backbone” of primary education’s teaching and learning process.

What Are The Benefits Of Hybrid Learning?

Hybrid teaching, when applied effectively, enhances teaching, bringing together the best of online and in-person education. One of its most significant advantages is to offer the student more control over the learning process and, consequently, more autonomy.

Through this form of teaching, the student has the flexibility of environments and times to study and, thus, becomes responsible and the protagonist of their learning process. Hybrid teaching, too, transforms the role of the teacher. He starts to act as a mediator of learning and spends more time attending to the difficulties of his students.

It is a model that the features highlighted above encourages cooperation between educators and students to improve the teaching and learning experience. Through this model, the teacher acquires, therefore, a more strategic role. You have more time to reflect on your practices and improve them. Starts managing data and information about students.

The use of technologies in hybrid teaching is also a great advantage. Technologies are essential tools for personal teaching and make the student’s journey and individual difficulties more evident.

It is noteworthy that for it to work effectively, schools must prepare themselves academically, pedagogically, structurally, and technologically to apply hybrid teaching.