What is Email Tester And Its Benefits

The email tester offers testing of the emails before sending them, it validates the link, preview of rendering inbox, and also the spam testing. The email tester allows you to preview the way an email performs through a wide range of devices, spam filters, and inbox providers.

  • The inbox rendering test

Shows how an email message is rendered and allows the appearance across the hand-picked group of inbox providers and devices.

  • Spam test

It shows the way an email performs against the power of all spam of consumers and the enterprise.

Email tester plays a vital role in the digital world. If you ignore these things then you are ignoring the importance of them.

Benefits of email tester

  • Accuracy of your data

The accuracy in the quality of data is the key factor for a win-win game in the digital world.You can analyze the quality of the email with the use of an email tester.The quality at the end of an email tester determines whether you are on the right path or not. And if you happen to see any error with it, then you are aware of what next has to be done.

  • The savior of money

In the cleaning process of your email list, you will realize and understand the emails that are not meant to be sent. This process helps you to come to terms with the deletion of addresses from the list. 

  • Prevention of deliverability problems

You must make a note about the deliverability issue that you face and find out a solution to it. If you do not find any solution to the problem, then it becomes easier for the ISPs to name you as a spammer. In such cases, the ISPs move all your emails directly to the spam folder assuming you as the spammer.

And in the end, this reflects in your engagement with your customer, causing them to miss your mails as they had been moved to the spam folder by the ISPs. Now, one is aware that most people do not check their spam folder until said to do. And in such a scenario, you miss engaging with your customer, and in the end, they lose interest.

  • Bounces reduce

An email tester provides you with accurate and detailed results. They provide you with the sources about the addresses which are acceptable and which are not. You can remove the addresses that are not secure for any further delivery. As the email tester cleans the list of addresses for you, the chances for a bounce to happen are reduced. In this way, an email tester plays an important role in the reduction of bounces.

  • Customer engagement 

The non-existential and the unwanted email addresses are removed from your email list by the email tester while cleaning. Only the original ones will remain in the email list. The emailtester helps you in understanding what your subscribers want. Hence, it helps in engaging with the customer with the write-ups they want. It is one of the best things about email tester. As the result, you engage with your customers more than before.